One World Under Doom #1

Marvel Comics

Written by Ryan North

Art by R.B. Silva

Colors by David Curiel

Letters by Travis Lanham

The Rundown: Doctor Doom seizes power over the globe and its heroes search for a way to stop him.

Doom takes over all broadcasts as he stands before the world and announces that he is now in control of the planet with the consent of all its leaders. At the Baxter Building, the combined forces of the Fantastic Four, Avengers, Spider-Man and more gather to discuss recent events and what they can possibly do to stop Doom. At the same time, Baron Zemo decides to use the moment to invade Latveria and take down Doom himself with Hydra.

When the heroes arrive in Latveria, they discover that Zemo has had a change of heart and is now working with Doom to save the world. An act that will lead the heroes to find Zemo and discover the shocking truth. A truth they decide to share with the world. A truth that is exactly what Doom wanted them to do.

The Story: North creates a story with an interesting and engaging premise. I’ve enjoyed how this story has been teased since last year, but the execution of this first issue is not as impressive as I was hoping. It isn’t bad, but I was expecting more from someone as clever as Doom. Nothing about the story really stands out except for what happened to Zemo, but even that didn’t have much emotional weight in the story. From a premise perspective, I’m intrigued. I just hope the follow up issue reveals something compelling to keep me reading.

The Art: Silva delivers beautifully detailed and stunning art throughout the issue. I love the visuals a lot and there is enough huge action moments to keep me engaged visually.

One World Under Doom #1



1 Comment

  • bob

    February 12, 2025 - 11:48 pm

    It doesn’t carry any emotional weight because it doesn’t focus on any of the heroes’ feelings on the matter beyond ‘Doom bad.’ A story needs an anchor character, someone to bring it down to earth. We get none of that here. Reed would be the obvious choice to have feelings about this situation, but he’s relegated to barely a side character, while Johnny and Spider-man discuss Johnny’s body odor on the plane ride. This was a poorly written comic with some decent – if not quite event-epic inspired – art. And the Doom-riding-the-t-rex was so modern-day cutesy Marvel.

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